Isaiah 4:6 “And there will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain.” I remember when I was twelve a tornado came through our little town of Wamego, KS. The sirens went off and my dad gathered us to go to the neighbor’s tornado shelter. It was built underground and there were wooden stairs leading to a dirt floor with benches to sit. When we got to our back door there were flying branches going by and the wind was horrible. There was no way we could cross the distance to the shelter safely. He told us to get in the bathroom and we just had to stay inside because it was too dangerous to try to get to the shelter. We could hear the storm throwing debris all around outside. We just had to wait it out until it past. It was only a few minutes later things outside settled down. I remember coming out of the bathroom with my parents and brother. The look on our faces as we saw our house was still standing and there wasn’t any damage inside. We walked outside to see our neighbors coming out of the shelter. We were all shook up, but the houses on our block were all standing. There were trees all over the roads. My brother and I got on our bikes to look at what the tornado had done to the rest of the town. A couple of blocks from our house, trees were uprooted in yards, roofs were missing from houses, power lies were down and there were areas you couldn’t pass. It was devasting. As we rode back down the street to our block, I was amazed at how the houses on our block didn’t have much damage. Isiah 4:7 tells us there will be a shelter from the heat by day and a refuge and protection from the storm and rain. There may be times in our life we are thrown into the midst of a storm. We don’t know what the damage will be. But when we acknowledge that God is our shelter, we can be assured He is our protection and refuge from the storm and rain.
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