2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” God’s word, the Bible was left to us for teaching, for correction, for training in righteousness. As I read both the Old and the New Testaments’, I realize the connection is for us to read about and understand God’s expectations. The Old Testament gives us many examples of what God desires of His people. It describes what is to come for our salvation. The New Testament is filled with the gift of salvation and the love God has for us. The message is by faith in Jesus Christ, He has given us eternal life and forgiven our sins to be remembered no more. We are to love one another as Christ loved us to lay day His life once and for all for the redemption of our sins. It is amazing how God leads us back to fellowship with Him. In the beginning He created the heavens and the earth, man and woman and it was good. He shows us mercy when we forget the goodness of God. Example after example we are shown His mercy, His promises, His forgiveness, and the true way to salvation. He has given us all that is needed. The Bible is the manual for us to know the instructions of God. What is needed to correct our path and the promised deliverance from our sins. I think of a puzzle. All the pieces are there to make it. The box has the finished picture to reference. We spread out the pieces and start on it. Then we come to a place where we aren’t sure if we are putting it together correctly. We pick up the box to see how it supposed to look. We consult the finished picture to see if we are going in the right direction. God has provided a finished picture for us to use, His word. What would it be like if all we had was a blank box to put together the puzzle? If you have ever put together a puzzle there are many similar pieces, but only one fits in that area. The picture God provides for our reference is finished, it’s perfect, it is completed. We are given God’s word so we can finish what He started in us. His word lets us see what needs to be done. It shows us He is with us always. He will fight our battles. He never fails. His lovingkindness and mercy will be with us all the days of our life. He shows us the finished picture so we know how our lives should be and the promises He made to us. He shows us where we went wrong and how to correct it. If we continue on our own, without consulting the picture that God has given us, we have a puzzle that can’t be put together. God’s word is the perfect picture for what is needed to finish.
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