Child of God

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Luke 18:17 “Truly I say to you, whosoever does not receive the kingdom of God, like a child shall not enter at all.” I was reminded of a time when we visited Canyon City, CO and walked across the Royal Gorge Bridge. It was the highest suspension bridge in the U.S. It was set spanning across a beautiful canyon 956 ft above the Arkansas River. My children were young at that time. When we were about 1/2 across there was a sign that gave the history of the bridge. It was built in only seven months in 1929 by 80 men. The bridge was wooden, and you could see the river below. It spanned 1260 feet across. The sign said it could hold 2,000,000 pounds. How was that possible? I remember the fear I felt when reading the sign, seven months, 80 men in 1929! I remember telling my children to stay away from the edge as they were excited to look at how high they were and the beauty of the canyon. They were enjoying the experience. They weren’t afraid but excited. It didn’t matter to them how fast the bridge was built or how many men it took. The bridge was there to walk across, and they weren’t at all afraid. They trusted the bridge and were so happy to cross it. Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God, like a child shall not enter at all.” My boys weren’t concerned about how that bridge was built, they just walked and sometimes ran to experience the journey. We must have the same trust of a child in our walk with Christ. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” That sign caused me to question the strength and security of that bridge, and I missed the beauty around me. The boys weren’t concerned with the “how”. They just were concerned about the “Wow” presented to them. Lord, help me to come to you as a child, trusting you in all things.

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