Hold my hand

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Isaiah 42:16 “I am the Lord; I have called you in righteousness. I will also hold you by the hand and watch over you, and I will appoint you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the nations.” When my children were young, I would often say to them “hold my hand” when walking in a parking lot. As they got out of the car to go into the store, I would tell them to wait and hold my hand. They were little and I didn’t want them to get hurt by a car backing out and not seeing them. In this scripture God tells us He has called us in righteousness. He assures that He will hold us by the hand and watch over us. Hallelujah! In my dream, I wrote that I quickly washed the mud off because I was afraid, He would leave without me. But as I turned back, He was right there waiting for me. He took my hand, and we began to walk. Isaiah 42:6 says, “I will also hold you by the hand and watch over you.” My children would take my hand and trust I would watch over them when walking from the car. How much more will the Creator of the heavens and the earth hold our hands and watch over us. He says it in this verse. I am the Lord. I called us in righteousness. I will hold your hand and watch over you. All we need to do is take God’s hand.

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