October 9, 2024, I awoke from a dream. In this dream I was walking along a path. I stumbled and fell into some mud. I looked all around for help and didn’t see anyone. I tried to get up, I was so weak I couldn’t stand. I began looking around to find something to use to help me up. I reached for a vine and tried to pull myself up, but it broke. I fell back and noticed this time I was sinking in the mud. As I struggled to get out of the mud I realized, I was slowly sinking. So, I stopped struggling and realized I was no longer sinking. Or so I thought. It wasn’t obvious at first. I lay there not moving for a long time. I didn’t notice I was still sinking. Then all of a sudden, I was up to my chest in the mud. Barely moving, I heard a voice say, “get up”. I told the voice I can’t I’m stuck. The voice said again, “get up and move to get out of the mud.” I began to cry and say I will sink if I make any movement. You don’t understand, I tried that and only sunk deeper. The voice again said, “get up and move, by grace you are saved.” I began to move and realized I could drag myself out of the mud to solid ground. I was so dirty from being in the mud, I didn’t want to look at the voice. But the voice said, “go and clean up so we can talk about what needs to be done.” He handed me a cloth and began to walk. I realized I needed to quickly wash up so he wouldn’t leave without me. But when I turned back around, he was right there and took my hand and we began to walk. Revelations 3: 2-3 says “Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die, for I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of My God.” This was the scripture God laid on my heart. You see I needed to “Wake Up” because I hadn’t finished the deeds God had for me. I thank God daily for that dream. I know that through that dream, God was telling me to wake up and walk with Him. Yes, I thank God each day. Revelations 3:3 says “Remember, therefore what you have received and heard, and keep it and repent. If therefore you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come upon you.”