Amos 7:7-8 “Thus He showed me and behold the Lord was standing by a vertical wall and a plumb line was in His hand and the Lord said to me “What do you see Amos?” ‘And I said a plumb line.’ Then the Lord said “Behold, I am about to put a plumb line in the midst of My people, Israel. I will spare them no longer.” When my husband worked as a carpenter at one point in his life I saw a plumb line. I didn’t know what it was used for, and he told me it was to measure if a vertical wall was straight up and down. God was showing Amos that He was measuring His people to see if they were straight with God’s laws. Though we are saved by grace and no longer bound by law, the guideline of God’s laws serves as a reminder of how we are measured by grace. We are to take the words of Jesus as our own plumb line. Where do we stand in our walk with Christ? It goes on in Amos 8:11 “Behold days are coming declares the Lord God, when I will send a famine on the land. Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water but rather hearing the words of the Lord.” These passages showed me that I needed to examine myself. Am I in line with God’s plan. God has placed a famine on the land in these final days for God’s words to be heard. Another tool my husband used was a chalk line. With that device you use it to mark straight lines by snaping the string coated with chalk to leave a mark to follow across a flat surface. It creates a visible line to follow. Though each tool has a different purpose, both are used in building to ensure the house is built according to the plans laid out. They serve the overall goal. Scripture is given for us to follow what is written according to God’s plan. The plumb line is weighted and is for determining if something is perfectly vertical. Lord, help me to direct my path according to your will. When the plumb line is dropped help me to be aligned with you.