The missing ingredient

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Hebrews 2:1 “For this reason, we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.” A few years ago, I entered a Dutch oven cookoff. In the contest we had to create an entree, a bread, and a dessert. We had 1 1/2 hours in which to do this. I chose a hamburger casserole as my entree, biscuits, and a cherry cobbler for dessert. The ingredients for the hamburger casserole were put in the bottom Dutch oven with 14 bricks of charcoal on top. This was followed by the cherry cobbler with 12 bricks of charcoal on top and the biscuits were at the top of the Dutch ovens with eight bricks of charcoal. As we were cleaning up our area, I realized that I forgot the vanilla for the cobbler. At first, I thought it was only a teaspoon of vanilla so maybe it wouldn’t be a problem. Then I decided to go ahead and sprinkle it on top of the cobbler. Everything had been cooking for about 20 minutes. I removed the biscuits and the lid of the cobbler and sprinkled in the vanilla. When it was time to serve the meal to the judges, I removed the lid from the biscuits and was excited to see they were perfectly browned. Next, I removed the lid from the cobbler, it didn’t quite look like the other times I had made it, but I spooned it out onto the plate. The hamburger casserole looked and smelled delicious, and I put it on the plate for the judges. I won 3rd place, which was exciting for my first time entering a contest. As the judges came over to tell us the reason for the score, they raved about how the biscuits came out just perfect and how the hamburger casserole was delicious. They then told me that something was missing from the cobbler. It was good but seemed like maybe something was missing. I told them how I tried to add the vanilla after it had started baking thinking it would still come out tasting good. Unfortunately, it didn’t work like I thought it would. I’ve been reading Exodus 25-28 this week and the details God gave Moses concerning the specific details for the ark, tabernacle, and priest garments. I thought of my first Dutch oven cookoff. We sometimes rush to do God’s work, not making sure we have put everything that God has given us to spread His word. What ingredient have we missed? What ingredient did we think wouldn’t make a difference because it was just a small thing? Maybe it was praying for guidance from the Holy Spirit before speaking. Maybe it was an act of kindness toward someone or a word of encouragement. Hebrews 2:1 tells us we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. As we walk in Christ, we are told how we should walk. Galatians 5:22 says “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control against such things there is no law” God has given us our instructions to walk in our Christian life. Each detail is given for a purpose to tell others about Jesus. Is our walk missing something?