Matthew 24:43 “But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known what time the thief was coming, he would not have allowed his house to be broken into.” Have you even had someone show up unexpectedly to your house? Matthew 24:43 tells us if we had known the time of the night the thief was coming, we would have been ready and not allowed our house to be broken into. I think of the times I know my family is coming over for the holidays or for a visit. I spend time thoroughly cleaning my house. Doing things I put off. Maybe it was sweeping under the furniture, putting fresh Scentsy in my burner, or stocking the cabinets. The things I hadn’t done in a while or overlooked. Jesus was telling his disciples that they should be ready at all times for His return. Each day we should be walking in our Christian life expecting this to be the day of His return. He is expected. Yet there are times in our lives we act as though it won’t be today. We will have time to get our house in order. What things are we overlooking? What things have we put off doing? Each day we should be examining ourselves to be sure that if today Jesus returns, we are ready. This scripture causes me to examine my heart and actions. Am I ready today for His return, or do I think I will have time to get things straightened out and cleaned up for His return.
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